how to love the world
i wrote this for you
waiting for leonard at ralphs

waiting for leonard at ralphs

a poem
i wore my famous blue raincoat for you, Leonard
i hope you show up 
i want to put to work your useless hands
but what did you mean, all the useless things my hands have done”
seems to me you used them 
just right 
that’s what i want - not you, (yes you but something more)
i want to use my hands, my mouth, my words, my heart…
i want to use them so well it hurts
have you seen these melons, Leonard? 
no, not mine, no, no, no. 
well, maybe yes mine, yes, yes, yes
these ones here are so very ripe,  here, look, Leonard, look at these, look over here, look at me, next to the honey-dew, oh honey don’t - oh honey do
I know you’re gone, Leonard
like all things go 
if you see my mom and my brother 
tell them the cherries look good this year
i’m sitting on the cold linoleum 
smells like ammonia 
by the bananas 
the organic ones 
you can’t miss me  (i miss you) 
and cotton candy grapes
you know, 
i did build a house deep in the desert 
but you never came 
so here i am on Sunset Blvd 
across from the rock ’n roll Dennys 
at rock ’n roll Ralphs 
praying rock ’n roll dreams
and my famous blue raincoat is torn at the shoulder, 
just like you remember, 
but don’t worry, Leonard
wouldn’t dare mend it 
balpoint pen drawing inspired by a Leonard Cohen song. i forget which one.

how to love the world is a reader-supported publication. These shares will always be free for all, but if you can support my work by becoming a paid subscriber, that would be super cool. Either way, I love you, and I’m glad you’re here. 🫶🏼

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how to love the world
i wrote this for you
I write poems and stories. I read poems and stories. Are they really for you? Of course!
Everything I create is for me, for them
and for you.
xo, annie