HiYA VEEPS! (Very Exceptional, Extraordinary Peoples)
The video above was recorded in Rhodes, Greece, last week. It was my first time visiting Greece and I am 100% in love with the place. The sea so salty you can float for days without even trying. The people so friendly you just can’t wait to thank them in their language, efharistó! To which they will reply with a sing-songy, Parakaló! The sun so hot but you don’t mind it ‘cause it’s a dry heat, ya know?
I tried to meet up with an online art teacher of mine while I was in Greece because she was just moments away from me, and I had a dream we’d meet (before I even knew we’d both be there.) But in our back-and-forth, it felt like I was bugging her, so I stopped trying. It made me feel bad, though. Like, if she actually knew me, she’d love to meet me! That’s what my mind was telling me. And why would I dream it if it wasn’t to be? What are dreams anyway? Surrealist hopes? Anyhow, I had to let it go. We are always having to let things go, aren’t we?
Oh, and before I knew Greece was in our plans, I was contacted by a translator who wanted to translate one of my books into Greek. So that is happening as we speak. Preeetty, preeeeety cool.
I’m still in Italy, writing and drawing from my “studio” (the blue chair.) And I’m still thankful that you’re here, reading and responding to what I do.
XO, Annie
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