
This week, I offer you a pause from poetry and replace it with two minutes and twenty-six seconds of levity.

For several years, I wrote scenes for actors.

Casting and TV directors would use my scenes in their classes, then actors would reach out to me, and they’d hire me to write a scene, or monologue, specifically for them. After doing this for a while, I garnered a whole heck of a lotta material! I created a few book collections, and you can still find several of my monologues at Performer Stuff.

Sometimes, I like to reimagine my scenes to give them a new life.

I used the old (no longer with us) website Go Animate! and pieced together this amusing bit of entertainment from one of my scenes.


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I hope my shares encourage, entertain and uplift you and that they inspire you to do what you do.

Thank you! ♡

Here’s a link to all my books.

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