how immense— this universe that lives inside us
and we carry it around
with us each day
like it’s not sacred
like it’s a bucket for blood and guts
like it’s a case for bones and valves
like it’s a vessel for a trillion cells
it’s a zillion fireflies working overtime keeping us alive
but how do things stay held together?
how do our sufferings not ignite a wildfire that we can’t put out?
(too late?)
wholeness is the task we have
an urgent calling to awaken
to know we are called to live
to lose our sense
our grasp
our knowing
(and our not knowing)
hey, did you know you can sing along with a song without knowing the words?
(i do it all the time)
you can understand a poem with your heart
instead of your mind
it feels different
a vibration in your gut
(it kinda tickles)
i like to embrace my dreamscape
take refuge in my rich inner life
(i sometimes worry i might stay IN forever
but the sun is
and i need summer)
yesterday, i heard someone speak of the abandonment of sense-making
and i like the idea of it
i don’t feel like myself lately but maybe i’m wrong
(maybe i’m more myself than i’ve ever been)
i want to give in to this pure being this not giving in to this unrest this diverting this gaze to something different to something better
maybe a soft and steady never mind is one way
to love the world