i’m interested in the Buddhist way
the middle way
not looking away
but then the winds wouldn’t stop winding last night
so loud and fierce and unnerving
i got mad
i got knocked down
i lost my balance
Dad thought it was a heavy rain
it’s not cognitive decline
it does sound like heavy rain
and the wizard of oz
and freeway traffic
and a giant whistling
i’ve never been good with the wind growing up in the san fernando valley with winds so pissed they’d break apart trees slamming down onto cars
i can’t handle the wind, which is ironic since i’m a sailor
well, my husband is the true sailor, but i too, sail
we eloped on a sailboat
we’ve sailed all around Italy, Venice, Rimini, Sicily
and in Croatia and Catalina, and places i’m forgetting but still,
i can’t handle the wind
on land
at sea - i need you
but on land - i do not
i get mad
i get knocked down
i lose my balance
but this writing has taken me someplace i didn’t mean to go
should i change my mind?
i mean
must i love the wind
in order to love the world?