they say
you’re so much better now
i hope that’s okay to say
i am not hurt
we artists we make
we do
we figure it out as we go
we are not born to it
we do to it
over and over for countless hours
for many nights alone in the studio
trying to explain
we can’t
without seeming obsessed
we can’t
without the judgment
we can’t
but really there’s no need
(we are all busy in our own movie anyway)
you’re so much better now
i hope that’s okay to say
i am not hurt
i am figuring it out
i am not hurt
i am an artist
and why by the creative gods
would i argue with growth?
how in my summer approaching
can i say you’re wrong
and why in this well-meaning
realism of opinion
by your word tornado
by your wants
by my whys
i leave it to the creative gods
and ask, is there ever an arrival?
and why by this courage of the unknown
and why in this crowd
and why in this push?
why in this flame?
i needed to believe in my then and there
otherwise, i wouldn’t be here and now
so yes, i am better now
(wait till you see tomorrow)
and thank god i started
before i was good
Think/Write about a time when you realized you could do something you couldn’t do previously.
If you’re a paid subscriber, or if you’ve purchased my books on Amazon, my signed art books here or my original art here, I can’t thank you enough for your extra interest, love and support, you beautiful patron of the arts, you! 🫶🏼