it’s brewing like a poison stew
everyone is talking under weighted blankets
(if they’re talking at all)
i don’t want to take a chance on this unknown spell
that might
me (over)
and turn
me (into)
i’m not (or am i?)
i don’t want to other the others even if i’m being othered because there are no others and i know that, i’ve always known that, but do i know that because now there’s a horror show playing on a loop and i can’t make sense of the senseless, can you?
i watch a live sea otter cam on Netflix
so cute, so sweet, they remind me of my dog, Shanti
Shanti is Sanskrit for Peace
when the live cam switches to the chimps, i turn it off
they remind me too much of humans
do all storms really pass?
so far
if i can’t unbreak the broken, what can i mend?
if my art can’t heal, what am i doing?
but if i stop my living for the unliving, is that a protest
or a surrender?
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