i can wordsmith my pain
dress it up in an amazing
technicolor poet’s dream coat
i can collage it with comics from the Sunday paper
I can goldleaf the edges of my grief
so all you see is the gleam of sunlight reflecting off of me
i can just tell it to you straight
but when i try
i get no eyes on my words
so instead, i ask a psychic what to do
where to go
i install an app on my phone
prevents me from spending more
than 7 minutes on Instagram
and why am I still even on Facebook?
why be everywhere?
does it prevent me from being anywhere?
i log
i log on
to the blank page and canvas
i write and draw
and zoom
i’m on a zoom about gut health
but i can’t focus
all the different kinds of fibers
all the different kinds of biotics
all the diversity of bugs we need in our bellies
i enjoy zoom
i like looking at tiny heads
behind the tiny heads
at the art on their walls
i wonder if they’d like my art
should i send a link to my shop in the chat?
no, no, of course not
meaning shmeaning
Copperfield pennies can’t count
the freedom fish feel when they fly
is not the same as when they fry
a naked woman is holding a plant
and she is
wearing a sun mask
and it isn’t strange
it’s just a different mask
i have too many masks and hats
and not enough faces and heads would
i be smarter if had 12 heads
if they were empty
with no pancake batter to mix
maple syrup is what i like best
our vespa zooms or putters
depending on the weather and
i’m sad that amethysts can’t dance
big hands form
a peace sign
but no one
the psychic
didn’t tell me it would be like this