i am the fly on the horses back
the one you see the week your brother dies
on the way to day four of sitting shiva
but you don’t see me /how could you?
you see the horse
you see my horse/my ride
brown and shiny
but you can’t see me/how could you?
my horse/my ride
galloping up topanga canyon blvd
you pull over to the side of the road to watch
now there’s more! five horses, no riders (not counting me)
but why count me? i am only a fly
five horses galloping down the middle of a street in the San Fernando Valley
in the middle of the day
you look around, your face asks the wind,
Hey, is anyone else seeing this?
your mouth falls open and stays that way, cherry Slurpee pours out, a wet neon waterfall falls onto your lap
you were thinking about the first time your brother took you riding in the Hollywood Hills
your horse took you too close to the edge
you didn’t like it
your horse was unpredictable
you didn’t like it
your big brother kept saying, hey everyone, this is my seeeester. my little seeeester! isn’t she cute?
you did like it. (even though you said you didn’t)
you think your memory made a moment /this moment
but you think maybe it could be real
maybe my brother sent them
You watch five horses with no riders galloping up Topanga Canyon Blvd while your car fills itself with cherry Slurpee and you let yourself drown in the sweet
This is really gorgeous Annie, I am so moved by this. I would love to hear more about this piece.. x