to the world
to yourself
to the cracks where light sneaks through
always be writing a love letter
let colors spill like secrets
across the canvas of your days,
let texture carry the weight of your doubt
heavy as heartbeats against the chest of what could be
on one line -a confession,
on another - a lifeline thrown
next paragraph
a redirect
an epiphany
a prayer
always be writing a love letter
write until it feels right
do it for you
keep going - don’t stop
Georgia O’Keeffe had to paint
a hundred flowers to find the best bloom
each touch of ink to paper
a testament
to the strength it took to stand
in the truth of your own beauty
seal it, send it , say it
I was here,
I loved,
and I made it known.
And that’s not nothin’.

ABWALL - Always Be Writing a Love Letter - original oil painting for sale. Collect it here.
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